That is right its March Madness time. Let us see your support this month.
Sioux Empire Paddler Board Members decided not do any raffles this year for our whitewater park project. Instead, we are going to take all funds received from memberships from March 1st to the 31st and put 100% of those funds towards our whitewater project. So if you support our club and want to see a whitewater park in Sioux Falls? This is the time to sign up. You still get all the benefits of being a member and you know 100% of your funds went towards our whitewater project.Now you may not have heard a lot about the whitewater project lately. That does not mean we are not pushing for one. We are currently coming up with funding ideas since engineering cost are quite high and construction of a park is more than our current yearly revenue. Our goal is to construct a FREE to use whitewater park project using $0.00 tax dollars. We want this park funded by the people that support our project and want to improve the Big Sioux River. This is why it is very important that we get your support.
Become a member today!
We now offer 12 month payment plan for lifetime memberships!

Please remember that all paid members will be added to the April 5, 2017 giveaway drawing.
100% of Membership Funds are put towards our Whitewater Park Project
March 1, 2017 through March 31, 2017
Thank you
Sioux Empire Paddlers President

A little about Sioux Empire Paddlers:
Sioux Empire Paddlers is a membership based 501(c)3 club in the Sioux Falls South Dakota surrounding area. Our main goal is paddling education and safety. We offer paddling classes throughout the year for youth, teens and adults. All of our classes are conducted by an ACA Certified Kayak Instructor to make sure our students our getting quality education. Our hope is to offer more classes with moving water once the Whitewater Park is built. The Whitewater Park will be a great safe place to host classes on faster moving water and swift water rescue.
Our club has many membership events throughout the year also. We want to get our members involved in safe kayaking and get together to share paddling stories. Our events are winter pool sessions, potlucks, annual poker paddle, river clean ups and just fun paddling trips.
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