Kayaking for Kids
Sioux Falls Whitewater Park is a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational organization that wants to put your young ones and adults on the water through kayak classes and special events.
Most recreational boats and paddles in the area are not the proper size for our small ones. These recreational boats can often make it difficult or no fun for children while they are trying to manage an over sized vessel. With smaller and appropriate sized kayaks, they will have a better fitted boat to make it easier to paddle and learn while having fun.
These smaller boats will be used to host classes in our community. We will have a certified instructor teach the basics of paddling and safety. We hope to reach age groups from 8 years old to older adults with our main focus being groups in the 8 years old to 18 years old range. We want to make sure kids have an opportunity to gain confidence and spend time outdoors.
What your youngster can get out of paddling:
1. Knowledge of water safety
2. Leadership Skills
4. Paddling skills
5. Enjoying the outdoors and fresh air
6. Self-esteem booster
7. Strong gain in confidence
8. Builds core strength – Great exercise
9. Wildlife viewing
10. Spending time with family
11. Explore destinations not accessible or seen by land
13. The thrill of the rush
14. Educated about the environment
15. Making paddling FUN!!!
With your generous donation we can get our children away from their computers, cell phones and tablets and get them to enjoy and respect the great outdoors. Funds will go towards boats and all safety gear needed to have a fun safe time in ponds, pools, rivers, and lakes.
Gear needed:
Appropriate boats - We are looking at different boats that fit weight ranges from 60 pounds to 250 pounds
Appropriate length paddles – Students don’t have to feel uncomfortable with too long of a paddle. The paddle should be appropriate size for easy handling.
Appropriate size Life Jackets "PFD" – Our students will be given the correct size of life jackets to make sure they are safe at all times around and on the water.
Miscellaneous Gear – Appropriate first aid kits, skirts for more experienced youth and different skill levels, a trailer to haul kayaks and gear, helmets for more experienced youth and different skill levels, and throw ropes for safety training.
We are currently working with paddling manufactures to get the best deals they can offer under wholesale to make this happen!
Classes will be scheduled as soon as we get the proper equipment to teach kayaking. We hope to reach out to outdoor centers in town, schools, colleges, and the city to help get the word out for our classes. We would like these classes to be for young children and also include the whole family to enjoy and learn together. Classes would be accessible to anyone in the community and we would also offer private classes for smaller groups or parties. Classes will also be held for adults to help fund the insurance cost to offer free children classes.
Different classes will be conducted year round anywhere from pools, rivers, ponds, or no wake lakes. Class locations will depend on the age, weather and paddling experience of students.
Thank you in advance for your donations. Any and every amount is greatly appreciated and one step closer to getting more individuals out on the water. If you are not financially able to help us out, please share this post on your Facebook page to spread the word!
If you know of companies that want to help out by being a sponsor. Please have them contact us and see how they can be a corporate sponsor. We can be reached by email.
REMEMBER: All donations to our 501(c)3 are a tax write off for you!
Save us 2.5% and pay directly to us!!
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