Thursday, June 19, 2014

Kayaking Klondike Dam / Klondike Rapids Summer 2014 Training

Our group is hoping to get all different skilled level kayakers together at the Klondike Rapids/Dam a few times this summer to practice wet exits, rolling, bracing, throw rope safety, and working as a team and partners.
Klondike Rapids is known to most fishermen but ever since the dam was torn down and built into rapids it has been noted by many paddlers for a good place for rapids and easier portaging for those longer trips.
The way the rock dam was formed, it now pushes water towards the middle of the rapids as it goes down stream. This ends up making great eddies at the end of the rapids past the bridge. You have the option for calm water right by the banks, going out further you hit the eddy sending water back up river, and past the eddy line you have small rapids with a swifter flowing river. Right by the bank with calmer water is a good place to practice for the beginner in rolling and wet exits. For the person familiar with rolls and wet exits; the eddy is a good place to start because you don’t flow down the river losing all your gear. For the more skilled person you can shoot in the end of the rapids and practice rolling and if you don’t complete it you can just slide into the eddy and get sent up stream to the group. Now if you complete the roll when hitting the rapids you can just go up river on the eddy and slide back into the rapids to practice more rolling without getting out. I thought this section of the river would be best to bomb proof those rolls, learn to roll, and practice throw bags because it has so many options for learning.
I hope to get groups together a few times this summer to go over everything and help each other achieve better paddling skills.

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